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Author | Title | Volume/Issue |
ADES, DAVID | That I might till your absence | Volume 5, Issue 1 |
ADJI, ALBERTA | Dido, estranged | Volume 8, Issue 1 |
AGRAZ, DENIZ | The golden bracelet | Volume 8, Issue 2 |
| Scale (for Helen); Wildflower seed mix | Naked song | Strokes of light; Swift | Volume 1, Issue 1 | Volume 5, Issue 1 | Volume7, Issue 2 |
ALLEN, RICHARD JAMES | Netflix regret | Volume 9, Issue 2 |
ALPER, DAVID M | ALPER, DAVID M | Volume 8, Issue 1 |
ALVAREZ, IVY | Watching Therese; Watching Patricia; Watching Frances | Volume 4, Issue 2 |
AL WASSIF, AMIRAH | The creepy dance of red curly hair | The shut up rules | Volume 7, Issue 2 | Volume 8, Issue 1 |
AMIR, STEPH | Writing from Down Under | Volume 10, Issue 1 |
ANDERSON, ZOE | Breathe; Succession story | Volume 2, Issue 2 |
ANDREWS, KAREN | The pecan tree | Volume 7, Issue 2 |
ARE, KAY | ‘To my daughter I will say, when the men come, set yourself on fire’ (1-3) | Volume 5, Issue 1 |
ARMSTRONG, RUTH | Paper cranes | Volume 6, Issue 1 |
ARNAUDON, MATTHEW | Context | Volume 3, Issue 1 |
ARNOLD, SANDRA | Pelorus Jack | Volume 5, Issue 1 |
ARNOLD, VIVIEN | The lover of my soul | Volume 8, Issue 2 |
ASSAD, AYESHA | When one door closes | Volume 8, Issue 1 |
ATHERTON, CASSANDRA | Koko; Palpitation | Volume 8, Issue 2 |
ATKINSON, MEERA | Dust Storm | Volume 1, Issue 1 |
AUCHMUTY, BRIDGET | Across the face of the sun; Bones (after John Burnside) | Volume 2, Issue 1 |
BACON, EUGEN | Silver lining | The trip | The Queen's waltz | And the stars saw | Swimming with Daddy | Honey gone sour | Jungolo | Volume 2, Issue 1 | Volume 2, Issue 2 | Volume 3, Issue 1 | Volume 3, Issue 2 | Volume 4, Issue 2 | Volume 5, Issue 1 | Volume 5, Issue 2 |
BAE, JUNGMIN | American threnody | Volume 6, Issue 2 |
BAIRD, JOSHUA | Notes | Volume 6, Issue 1 |
BAIZA, TOMAS | Love ritual | Volume 8, Issue 1 |
BAKER, ENNE | Twilight shift | Volume 10, Issue 2 |
BAKER, SKYE | Coordinates | Volume 5, Issue 1 |
BAKOWSKI, PETER | Poem to the snail; A busker asleep in the Fitzroy Gardens | Volume 10, Issue 1 |
BALAGOPAL, SUDHA | Excess baggage | Volume 7, Issue 1 |
BANFIELD, JOE | "Now a major motion picture" | Volume 4, Issue 1 |
BARDO, OLIVIA | Diversion | Volume 7, Issue 2 |
BARKER, WANDA | My mother is a lost envelope | Volume 5, Issue 2 |
BARNICOT, RANALD | Like the bull | Someone will have to go [translation of Alguien tendrá que irse, by Giovanni Quessep] | Volume 6, Issue 2 | Volume 8, Issue 1 |
BARNSTEIN, REBECCA | Radon: Results of adolescent over-exposure to decay | Volume 6, Issue 2 |
BARR, SARAH | Reservoir | Twelfth night | Glass bear | Volume 3, Issue 1 | Volume 5, Issue 1 | Volume 10, Issue 1 |
BARTLETT, JOHN | I lie down; Apocalypse; Jacaranda; Listening for the past | Under construction; Misunderstanding Good Friday | That river | Volume 6, Issue 1 | Volume 7, Issue 2 | Volume 9, Issue 1 |
BAYES, CHANTELLE | White rabbit obscura | Volume 6, Issue 1 |
BEALE, JASON | Parisian dream | Volume 10, Issue 1 |
BEAUPERT, FLEUR | Pressed voices | Volume 7, Issue 1 |
BEAVER, KRIS | Fish bones; Sea sonnet | Volume 8, Issue 1 |
BECKMAN, PAUL | The taste of snow | You never really win at carnivals | Volume 6, Issue 2 | Volume 7, Issue 1 |
BENSLEY, TOM | An ode to my laptop; Trying to find myself on the internet; Time spent Google searching | Volume 5, Issue 1 |
BEYER, TONY | Short forecast | This time; Voyage |
Bait | Extract | The animals drinking |
A Gerald Murnane sentence | Volume 6, Issue 2 | Volume 7, Issue 1 | Volume 7, Issue 2 | Volume 8, Issue 1 | Volume 8, Issue 2 | Volume 10, Issue 1 |
BEVERIDGE, ROBERT | Control; Somnambulent Corpse | Volume 10, Issue 1 |
BILLOT, VICTOR | Location, location; From the Queen Street Wendys; Dead beast | Volume 6, Issue 1 |
BISHOP, ALICE | H E A T | Volume 5, Issue 1 |
BISSETT, ZELA (ET AL.) | Floating land | Volume 4, Issue 1 |
BLACK, SHEILA | Poem for my father; Bourbon | Volume 7, Issue 2 |
BLAIR, JOSEPHINE | suddenly mountains; in other words | Volume 5, Issue 2 |
BLAXLAND, WENDY | Garden jazz; Reflections in the pool | Volume 9, Issue 1 |
BLOCK, TOM | Raymond Carver | Volume 7, Issue 2 |
BLOGG, A.C. | Market day | Volume 8, Issue 2 |
BOHUSLAV, JEAN | Life's joys | Volume 9, Issue 1 |
BOOYDEGRAFF, WENDY | Chain of thought | Volume 8, Issue 2 |
BOON, CARL | The last world | Volume 8, Issue 1 |
BORDERS, JAMES | Sticks and stones | Volume 8, Issue 1 |
BOWEN, KATE | Some wanker | Volume 10, Issue 2 |
BRADY, FRANCESCA | Selling Lot 620: The ‘Hypertense’ | Volume 7, Issue 2 |
BRADLEY SMITH, SUSAN | Saturday fuck off tanka cycle (at the VCE English Language exam prep seminar) | Volume 2, Issue 1 |
BRANDT, RUTH | The portrait | The bookcase | Volume 7, Issue 1 | Volume 10, Issue 2 |
BRANTINGHAM, JOHN | Like a ton of bricks | To dream of woodpeckers | Volume 7, Issue 1 | Volume 10, Issue 2 |
BREEN, OISIN | An instrument of liles | Volume 9, Issue 2 |
BREEN, SALLY | Captivity | Volume 5, Issue 1 |
BREHENY, PATRICK | Nostalgia | Volume 10, Issue 2 |
BRENNAN, SUE | Finally, our feet go where they want | Luftikus | Shaw's circus | Volume 6, Issue 2 | Volume 7, Issue 1 | Volume 8, Issue 2 |
| Apartment | Ragel Tajjeb | Volume 9, Issue 1 | Volume 10, Issue 1 |
BRINSMEAD, FAYE | We feel the answer in our cells; Lines of flight | Volume 10, Issue 1 |
| On the edge; Perversity; Uncensored; Sunday | Volume 4, Issue 1 |
BROOKS, MICHELLE | Everyone loves to pay less! | Volume 7, Issue 2 |
BUCKINGHAM GRAY, MICHAEL | Breaststroke | Volume 7, Issue 2 |
BUETTEL, ROHAN | Lorikeets; Melting man | The green swathe | Victoria Bridge | Volume 8, Issue 2 | Volume 9, Issue 2 | Volume 10 Issue 1 |
BULLOCK, OWEN | The invitation | consumption; baked |
flight; sitting | Feeders | Larry in lockdown; Pockets | Trapped; Fold | | Volume 2, Issue 2 | Volume 3, Issue 1 | Volume 7, Issue 1 | Volume 8, Issue 1 | Volume 9, Issue 1 | Volume 10, Issue 1 |
BURGHELEA, CLARA | The dirty-dish poem | Volume 7, Issue 2 |
BURNS, GIANOULA | Her story | Volume 8, Issue 1 |
BURR, SANDRA | BURR, SANDRA | Volume 2, Issue 2 |
BUSH, RACHEL | The progressive reader; At her father’s house | Five answers for Anne Carson | Volume 2, Issue 1 | Volume 2, Issue 2 |
BUTCHER, NICOLE | Filing cabinet | Volume 7, Issue 2 |
| Today I didn’t see the giant Buddha, Twenty years a backing singer; Rose | Volume 2, Issue 1 | Volume 5, Issue 2 |
CADWALLADER, ROBYN | The balcony | Volume 1, Issue 1 |
CAESAR, ADRIAN | Last painting: waiting at the Styx | Volume 10, Issue 2 |
CANNON, ALASDAIR | Numinousness | Volume 7, Issue 1 |
CANON, DAKOTA | Adolescent candy | Volume 8, Issue 2 |
CANTRELL, KATE | Mutations | Volume 6, Issue 2 |
CANTWELL, BRENT | left out, A feathered thing | Volume 7, Issue 1 | Volume 10, Issue 2 |
CANYON, KATERINA | Aunt May; Quintessential pirate | Volume 5, Issue 2 |
| And then the stars too did sing |
John Christopher; Daylight ghosts; Hungry | Volume 6, Issue 2 | Volume 7, Issue 1 |
CARROLL, MONICA | no title; without title; untitled again, but I promise this to be the last | Volume 1, Issue 1 |
CARSON, ANNE M | On reaching across time | Volume 10, Issue 1 |
CARTWRIGHT, HUGH | The deadly dinner | Volume 9, Issue 1 |
CARTWRIGHT, MEGAN | A sonnet after Harwood | Volume 10, Issue 2 |
CARUSO, EDWARD | Museo Morandi | Volume 9, Issue 1 |
CHAMBERS, HELEN | Simon and Brigitta | Volume 6, Issue 2 |
CHENG, JAMES SALVIUS | A pigeon at Hyde Park | Volume 10, Issue 2 |
CHIKA, EMMANUEL | A new Nigeria | Volume 4, Issue 2 |
CHIRUVOLU, MIRA | Forgotten whispers | Volume 8, Issue 1 |
CLARK, PAIGE | Fortune | Volume 7, Issue 1 |
CLARKE, JOHN IRVING | Listening to owls on Christmas Eve | Volume 3, Issue 1 |
CLEAR, T | A short autobiography of a mouth | Volume 10, Issue 2 |
CLEMENTS, JESSICA | The Vila | Volume 4, Issue 2 |
CLINGEMPEEL, SHAINA | Self-Portrait in a windowless room | Volume 7, Issue 2 |
COATES, STEPHEN | Kenocot | Volume 8, Issue 1 |
| Schedule; Elsewhere; Beach book; Lifebelt; Moving schedule | Volume 3, Issue 2 | Volume 7, Issue 1 |
COHEN, ALAN | Into the dark wood | Volume 6, Issue 2 |
COHEN, BERNARD | Lost and found | Volume 6, Issue 2 |
COLBERT, ELIZABETH | Pistachio crust, The ruse of order | Volume 2, Issue 1 | Volume 8, Issue 1 |
COLE, TINA | How to cold silence | Volume 3, Issue 1 |
| AI; Interruptions in blue, Zork's minders | Volume 7, Issue 1 | Volume 9, Issue 2 |
COLLYER, LISA | We are indoor gardens; The timepiece | Volume 10, Issue 1 |
COMINS, OLIVER | Oak Fish Island, Waiting for a train | Volume 2, Issue 2 | Volume 10, Issue 2 |
COMISARI, HUGO | Kookaburras, carp and concrete | Volume 5, Issue 2 |
CORNELIUS, JEREMY | In Eden | Volume 4, Issue 1 |
CORCOS, Ion | A study of analysis & heartbreak | Volume 10, Issue 1 |
COSGROVE, SARA | Circadian courtship ritual | Volume 10, Issue 2 |
| Shelter, Alliance; The lesson | Volume 9, Issue 1 | Volume 9, Issue 2 |
COY, TOBY | The pantry moths | Volume 7, Issue 2 |
| The ‘D’ word | Third person, present tense | Volume 5, Issue 2 | Volume 10, Issue 1 |
| High tide after the earthquake,
The Stock Exchange makes landfall,
Landscape with colonial girls | Volume 6, Issue 2 | Volume 7, Issue 1 | Volume 10, Issue 2 |
CUNNIFFE, ZOE | Golden hour | Volume 8, Issue 1 |
| Sydney's summer child. Back in the day
Ashram on the Ganges in three parts | Volume 8, Issue 2 | Volume 9, Issue 1 |
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