Advisory Board
Sandra Arnold lives in Canterbury, New Zealand. She is the author of five books including three novels, a nonfiction work and a collection of flash fiction. Her work has been widely published and anthologised in New Zealand and international print and online journals, placed and short-listed in various competitions and nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best Microfictions and The Best Small Fictions. She has a PhD in Creative Writing from Central Queensland University, Australia.
Eugen M. Bacon is African Australian, a computer scientist mentally re-engineered into creative writing. She is a councillor for the British Science Fiction Association (BSFA) and reviews editor for Aurealis. Her work has won, been shortlisted, longlisted or commended for many prizes including the Bridport Prize, Horror Writers Association Diversity Grant, Australian Shadows Awards, Ditmar Awards and Nommo Awards for Speculative Fiction by Africans. Bacon’s creative work has appeared in literary and speculative fiction publications worldwide, including Award Winning Australian Writing, BSFA, Fantasy Magazine, Fantasy & Science Fiction, Bloomsbury and The Year’s Best African Speculative Fiction. Website: eugenbacon.com / Twitter: @EugenBacon
Maggie Butt is an ex-journalist and BBC TV documentary producer, turned poet and novelist. She has a PhD from Cardiff University and taught Creative Writing at Middlesex University for 30 years. Maggie has been a Royal Literary Fund Fellow and was chair of the UK National Association of Writers in Education. Her sixth poetry collection everlove was published by The London Magazine in 2021. Her novel, The Prisoner’s Wife, was published around the world in 2020 under the name Maggie Brookes. Fiction website: www.maggiebrookes.uk Poetry website: www.maggiebutt.co.uk
Thom Conroy is the author of The Salted Air and The Naturalist (Penguin Random-House), and the editor of the personal essay collection Home (Massey University Press). The winner of the Katherine Anne Porter Fiction Prize, he has published short fiction widely in literary journals in the United States, New Zealand, and Australia. Thom is currently a senior lecturer in Creative Writing at Massey University, where he also serves as Editor-in-Chief of the literary journal Headland.
Stephanie Green writes short fiction, poetry and travel essays published in Australian and international journals. She released a collection of prose poems, Breathing in Stormy Seasons, with Recent Work Press in 2019. Her recent poetry has also been included in the Anthology of Australian Prose Poetry (Hetherington & Atherton, 2020) and The In/completeness of Human Experience II (Prendergast, Herbert-Goodall & Webb, 2021). She produced the short story collection, Too Much Too Soon with Pandanus Books in 2006. She is currently Adjunct Senior Lecturer and Fellow with Griffith University.
Paul Hetherington has extensive professional experience in the field of creative writing and in related academic and professional activities. He is Professor of Writing at the University of Canberra and Head of International Poetry Studies (IPSI) there.
He has published nine full-length collections of poetry, and Six Different Windows won the 2014 Western Australian Premier’s Book Awards (poetry). He was a finalist in the 2014 international Aesthetica Creative Writing Competition (poetry), shortlisted for the 2013 Montreal International Poetry Prize and shortlisted for the 2013 Newcastle Poetry Prize. In 2002 he was the recipient of a Chief Minister’s ACT Creative Arts Fellowship and he was awarded one of two places on the 2012 Australian Poetry Tour of Ireland. In 2014 he was awarded an Australia Council for the Arts Residency in the BR Whiting Studio in Rome.
He has written articles, essays and reviews on literary and cultural matters, including the use of new technologies and ways of providing access to cultural materials, and has an abiding interest in the visual arts and its relationship to poetry.
He is a former Director of Publications and Events at the National Library of Australia and edited the final three volumes of the National Library of Australia’s four-volume edition of the diaries of the artist Donald Friend. He is one of the founding editors of the international online journal Axon: Creative Explorations.
Paul Munden was an inaugural editor of Meniscus, and inaugural director of the Poetry on the Move Festival in Canberra, Australia. An internationally recognised poet, he was a longterm Director of NAWE, the National Association of Writers in Education. Paul received an Eric Gregory Award in 1987 and his poems have appeared in many anthologies and collections. He is the editor of Feeling the Pressure: Poetry and Science of Climate Change (British Council 2008).
David Musgrave lectures in Creative Writing at the University of Newcastle and is the Managing Director of independent publisher Puncher & Wattmann. He is the author of eight collections of poetry, the most recent being his Selected Poems, published in the UK in 2021 by Eyewear/Black Spring Press Group, and one novel, Glissando. His work has won many awards, including the Grace Leven Prize for Poetry and the Judith Wright Calanthe Award.
Alvin Pang, PhD is a poet, writer, editor and translator whose broad creative practice spans over two decades of literary activity in Singapore and elsewhere. His writing has been translated into more than twenty languages worldwide, including volumes in Chinese, Croatian, French, Macedonian and Swedish. His latest titles include What Happened: Poems 1997–2017 (2017) and Uninterrupted Time (2019). In 2021, he was appointed to the honorary position of Adjunct Professor of RMIT University. He is also a judge of the 2022 Dublin Literary Award.